When my dear friend said she was expecting a baby...on my birthday in June may I add,
I was super excited for her!
Now I get to make her all these cute little things for her baby...
then my other dear friend just came to me and said she was expecting in September.
Now I am crazy busy making things for both of my friends...please don't drink the water!
Diaper cake with 3 diaper cupcakes

For my friend due in June, I made her this cute diaper cake from felt, fabric, ribbon, diapers, Aveeno bath wash, 1 bottle scrubber and 2 binkies. I was very pleased with how this turned out and have some different idea's for my other friends diaper cake. But alas, she will be able to take this home and have 50 newborn diapers to use. Not only is this cake pretty cool but it is functional as well.
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